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humm me well as all of you most probley know im quite crazy looney mad whatever but im allso a nice person (i think) (I hope) im 15 i look like the honey monster well so ive been told and thats about it really

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Unit 10 -

Understanding Video Technology -

Assignment 3

In this report I will be identifying the difference between Linear and Non-Linear edit systems, examples of editing software and the equipment needed in Non-Linear editing.

Linear Editing

A Linear editing system is an analogue edit system, which is non digital (non computer based). It was the original tape editing system until Non-Linear became available in the 1990’s. It works by editing the shots one after another in an consistent line, adding the scenes you want in the in the correct order they should appear in. If a mistake is made and has to be changed then that scene and all the following will have to be re-edited in order to correct it. This is one of Linear editing’s downfalls, another is that there is not many effects you can use for your videos, unlike Non-Linear editing where you have many assorted ones.

The system generally uses:

· Two synchronised VCR machines (source machine and edit machine)

· A vision mixer

· A sound mixer

· A edit controller

· A character generator

· Two Monitors

· A CD player/Mini disk player/Cassette player etc

· A microphone

To edit a video using this system you have to select the scenes you want from your source tape first of all so you know what order your shots are going in in case you make a mistake. The edit controller selects the shots from the source tape to be recorded on to the edit video. It uses control track pluses to synchronise both VCR machines to they play and record together. The source video is played through the vision mixer, in the correct order, as well as the sound mixer. At this point any wanted effects must be added, e.g. fades or inserts. The monitors show what is happening on the source and edit tapes while you are editing. The character generator creates the any titles or credits you want to add and also has to be done while editing. The CD player etc are used for adding music or sound effects when needed. The microphone is normally use when voiceovers need to be added. After it has been edited onto the edit tape you are left with the final copy of the tape.

Diagram Of A Two Machine Edit System 

One Type Of Edit Controller

A Sony B V E - 910 

Non-Linear Editing A Non-Linear edit system is a digital system (computer system). It took over from Linear editing in the 1990’s and is now the main editing system used in media today. Non-Linear works by allowing you to capture (upload) your scenes form your source tape in any order, unlike Linear editing where you have do it in the correct order, on to the computer where using the edit software (Adobe Premier, Avid, Final Cut Pro) you can manipulate them in anyway you want. The system offers more effects than Linear as well as a better character generator, and is much easier to use

The system generally uses:

· A computer

· A video capture device

· Connecting leads

· Editing software (Adobe Premier, Avid, Final Cut Pro, Edit DV)

· A Monitor

To edit a video using this system first decide on what clips you want to capture from your source tape, because if you try and capture it all at once you will be using a lot of your hard drive. Then the video capture device will upload your analogue video clips (from the mini DV/VHS/Video8). This can either be a device that plugs in to the computer or a video capture card which become part of the computer. Once the clips are on the computer they are opened in the editing software and imported you can identify the correct shots needed with in and out points, in doing this you can place the chosen shots onto the timeline in the correct order wanted. After this you can add the effects, titles, credits, music, voiceovers etc. The edited video can then be exported from the computer using a DVD re-writer/VCR onto DVD or tape. Diagram Of Non-Linear Edit System 

Image Of A Non-Linear Edit System

Differences Between Linear And Non-Linear Editing


· Simple and has few complications

· Mostly Inexpensive

· Not many effects

· Quick for editing tapes together

· If a mistake is made it is not easy to correct it


· Mostly simple, can have complications such as hard wear conflicts, computer crashes etc

· Can be expensive

· Many effects and plug ins (software that has more effects the original software) can be added as well as video filters

· Can take awhile to edit because of the use of more things you can do to your video

· If a mistake is made it can be easily corrected

· Some edit software has a slight image stabilization option which can stabilize shaky image to a degree.

I hope in this report I hope that I have been able to explain Linear and Non-Linear edit systems and how they work.



In this report I used information from:

Notes I took in class

humm kwol bands: nirvana, green day, jimm eat world, avril lavigne, system of a down, guns n roses, kaos, allnightdrive, reason 69, smashing pumking, janes addiction, nine inch nails, marilyn manson, plasebo, offspring, koRn, blink 182, tenacious D, kelly osbourn, foo fighters, red hot chili pepers, hundred reasons, thursday i could go on and on and on but i wont


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